Monday 19 July 2010

Part 1 E-sourcing: How to find a new job using LinkedIn?

For more than three years I'm using linkedIn as my main source for finding new jobs. It's fast, direct and give exact the information that is relevant for the application. Many resource managers and recruiters use LinkedIn to find new personnel or check somebody’s background.  

Finding a new job using a LinkedIn-strategy

To get the most out of it you need to make a strategy. For example, you want a job as an IT project manager.
You have a good profile (100%) and your former collegae and friends are connected. But that is not enough. You net to expand your network!

1. Expanding your network
First you need to define your target groups that can help you find a new job. These target groups are:
- Human resource managers at IT companies
- Recruiter of IT specialists
- IT Managers

2. Connecting with your Target group
To connect directly with people of your target groups you can:
- Join groups on LinkedIn that relate with IT, project management or business groups
- Search in your connections it they have connections that belong to your target group and get introduced
- Search on job boards to find names and email addresses of recruiters / HRM managers.

Invite people with a personal message in which you explain that you are looking for a new job and invite them to join your network.

3. Share your Update
The share your update option gives you the possibility to send a message to your network. Update your status about your job search regularly, so people know that you are still available.

4. Install Boxnet
The last step is installing boxnet on your LinkedIn profile and share your resume, your publications, your presentations.

It's not difficult but you have to invest hours and hours in building up a good network that finally generate a new job. And it works!


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